Nutrition is one of the biggest topics in all of health and wellness. Each cell in your body needs fuel, and much of it comes from nutrients, which are substances required for survival and help the body build and repair. Many nutrients are essential, which means your body needs them but can’t produce adequate amounts on its own. This is why you must get them from food or supplements.
Intaking nutrients via IV Drip or Intramuscular (IM) Therapy may allow for nutrients to be 100% bioavailable to the body, compared to 15-20% when ingested orally.
Micronutrients are essential molecules involved in thousands of biological processes in the body like energy production, immunity, brain health, cardiovascular health, endurance and metabolism.
This test evaluates your blood to uncover insufficiencies of vitamins, minerals, aminos and fatty acids. Our assessment measures the function of 52 nutritional components.
A personalized report of your results will detail sufficiencies and insufficiencies, as well as foods that are considered good sources of nutrients.
After we receive your results, we’ll help replenish your cells! You can customize your IV Drip and IM Shot Therapy based upon your body’s micronutrient insufficiencies.
ALA is known as the “universal antioxidant”—meaning it is a free radical scavenger. Free radicals are an aging accelerator and form when the body is under a significant amount of physical or chemical stress. ALA can only be purchased as a 3-pack or 6-pack and cannot be added as a single ingredient to an IV Drip.
• Potentiating other antioxidants—glutathione, vitamin C and vitamin E
• Blood sugar control
• Inhibiting fat cell formation
• Decreased LDL (“bad cholesterol”), Increases HDL (“good cholesterol”)
• Energy production
• Crosses the blood brain barrier—helpful in neurological conditions (Alzheimer’s, mutliple sclerosis, neuropathy, traumatic brain injury, and seizure)
• Liver regeneration
• Symptom management of certain cancers (ex. Mucositis)
• Are you a diabetic?
• Do you take medication (often a “statin” drug) to treat high cholesterol?
• Do you often feel fatigued?
• Do you suffer from inflammation?
• Do you have an autoimmune disorder/condition?
• Do you have a history of a neurological condition?
• Do you want to lose weight?
• Do you struggle with PCOS and/or infertility?
• Do you have a neurological disease?
These amino acids may help maximize performance by supporting the function of healthy joints and muscles.
• Improved blood flow by creating nitric oxide (NO), a gas that helps dilate blood vessels
• Improved arteries for people with heart disease or clogged arteries due to its vessel-widening abilities
• Improved symptoms of erectile dysfunction (ED)
• Longer lasting effects than just arginine alone, this nutrient is converted to arginine in the kidneys
• Improved vasodilation, blood flow and immune function
• Improved carnitine creation, which converts fatty acids into energy and also lowers cholesterol levels
• Improved calcium absorption and collagen formation, which aids in growth and maintenance of bones and connective tissues
• Improved skin health
• Improved joint and tissue health
• Are you an athlete?
• Do you exercise regularly?
• Do you have erectile dysfunction
• Do you have a slow metabolism?
• Do you often feel fatigued?
• Do you have sore muscles and achy joints?
• Do you have heart disease?
This family of B vitamins may increase energy and reduce the body’s response to stress. Pairs well with IV or IM Vitamin B12.
B1 Thiamine, AKA the “Anti-Stress Vitamin”
• Improved production of new cells to help protect the immune system
• Improved breakdown of simple carbs
B2 Riboflavin, AKA the “Growth Vitamin”
• Boosted RBD production
• Assisted oxygen transportation throughout the body
• Reduced inflammation and decreased free radical damage
B3 Niacin, AKA the “Anti-Cholesterol Vitamin”
• Regulated blood sugar with improved body fat processing
• Boosted HDL (good cholesterol)—the higher the HDL, the lower the risk of heart disease
B5 Pantothenic Acid, AKA the “Energy Vitamin”
• Increased energy production
• Improved sex hormone generation
• Healthy skin and reduced signs of aging due to moisture retention
B6 Pyridoxine, AKA the “Brain Vitamin”
• Regulated mood and improvement to sleep disorders
• Improved production in amino acids that support brain development and function
• Alleviated autoimmune inflammation in disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis
This nutrient plays key roles in the brain and nervous system and pairs well with B Complex.
• Improved skin health
• Increased usage of fat and carbs for energy
• Increased oxygen reuptake
• Assisted nerve growth and development
• Improved communication between nerve cells
• Improved adrenal function
• Improved emotional and mental energy
• Improved concentration and memory function
• Balanced mood and calming effects
• Improved male fertility. Studies suggest vitamin B12 supplementation may improve sperm counts and sperm’s ability to swim.
B5 is a water-soluble B vitamin that helps the body use fats and proteins. It is often called the “Energy Vitamin.”
• Boosted energy and metabolism
• Increased manufacturing of red blood cells
• Increased cholesterol synthesis
• Improved skin health
• Hormone production assistance
• A healthy digestive tract
• Boosted energy from breaking down carbs and fats
• Increased sex hormones
• Healthy skin and reduced signs of aging with moisture retention
• Do you take medication to treat acne?
• Do you take a “statin” drug to treat high cholesterol?
• Do you follow a plant-based diet?
• Do you have stress in your life?
• Are you interested in better gut health?
B6 is important in the function of the nervous system, liver health, skin health, and eye health. Often called the “Brain Vitamin.”
• Boosted brain function
• Increased energy production
• Hemoglobin production (the oxygen carrying red blood cells)
• Regulated mood and improvements to sleep disorders
• Inflammation relief in autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis
• Do you take medication to treat acne?
• Do you have Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, neuropathy, a traumatic brain injury, a seizure disorder, or a history of stroke?
• Are you anemic?
• Do you have an autoimmune disorder?
Biotin is a B vitamin that is involved in a wide range of metabolic processes.
• Healthier hair, skin and nails
• Improved glucose control; adrenal function
• Boosted metabolism
• Do you have eczema?
• Do you take medication to treat acne?
• Is weight loss one of your wellness goals?
• Are you a diabetic?
CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant.
• Improved cardiovascular health
• Decreased fatigue
• Enhanced physical performance
• Decreased symptoms from debilitating neurological diseases
• Reduced skin wrinkles
• Decreased symptoms of aging
• Decreased hair loss
• Do you feel fatigued?
• Are you an athlete?
• Do you have a neurological disease such as Parkinson’s?
• Are you interested in younger looking skin?
• Do you have thinning hair/hair loss?
Glutamine is a vital fuel source for the intestines and immune system that helps keep defenses up against microbes.
• Increased gut health; improved gut lining
• Decreased sugar cravings
• Decreased muscle soreness
• Hydrated muscles and skin
• Are you working on your gut health?
• Do you have dry skin?
• Do you have frequent gastrointestinal issues?
• Do you exercise regularly with strength training?
Glutathione is the “mother of all antioxidants” and a “master detoxifier.” It is an amino acid made in the liver. It facilitates recycling of vitamins C and E, optimizing performance of the antioxidant system. Ask a nurse about the benefits of high-dose gluthathione for a stronger effect.
• Increased toxin and heavy metal excretion
• Decreased risk for chronic diseases and illnesses. Low levels of glutathione are linked to chronic diseases.
• Decreased muscle breakdown
• Increased anti-aging
• Decreased damage from stress
• Are you looking to detox?
• Do you have an autoimmune disease?
• Were you recently sick?
• Are you hungover?
• Do you have Lyme disease?
• Do you have heavy metal toxicity?
L-Carnitine is an amino acid that supports energy metabolism.
• Fat cell mobilization
• Suppressed appetite
• Improved athletic performance and endurance
• Reduced body fat storage
• Decreased muscle soreness
• Decreased lactic acid build up in body
• Increased glucose uptake into muscle
• Are you an athlete?
• Is losing weight one of your wellness goals?
• Do you want more energy?
• Are you “cutting weight,” but want to maintain muscle mass?
• Are you a diabetic?
• Are you in menopause?
This blend of amino acids may help boost the body's metabolic power.
• Stimulated breakdown of lipids during metabolism
• Reduced accumulation of excess fat in the liver and other tissues by helping the liver process fatty acids
• Released fat deposits in the stomach, inner thighs, neck, buttocks or hips
• Stimulated mobilization of fatty acids that can help prevent fat deposits
• Do you have areas of your body with excess fat?
• Do you want to boost your metabolism?
• Are you following a healthy diet and exercise regimen?
Lysine is an essential amino acid which the body cannot produce, therefore must be obtained through diet or supplementation.
• Calcium absorption and healthy bones
• Decreased anxiety
• Increased muscle mass
• Decreased herpes and cold sore breakouts
• Decreased blood pressure
• Collagen support
• Are you looking for skin health?
• Are you looking for an immune boost?
• Do you have osteoporosis?
• Do you have a calcium deficiency?
• Do you have anxiety/take anxiety medications?
• Do you have a history of cold sores?
• Do you have hypertension?
Magnesium is a mineral that plays many crucial roles in the body, such as supporting muscle and nerve function and energy production.
• Improved blood pressure
• Blood sugar regulation
• Improved breathing for those suffering from asthma symptoms
• Reduced oxidative stress production
• Increased breast milk supply
• Maintained bone tissue
• Migraine and muscle pain relief
• Are you a breastfeeding mother?
• Do you have hypothyroidism?
• Do you have asthma?
• Are you menstruating? Menstruation increases the need for magnesium
• Do you have osteoporosis?
• Are you a diabetic?
• Do you have difficulty sleeping at night?
• Do you have migraine headaches?
• Do you have hypertension?
NAC is a supplement for cysteine. It’s important for replenishing the most powerful antioxidant in your body, glutathione.
• Increased production of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant
• Increased detoxification
• Reduced oxidative stress in the body
• Relaxed airways for improved breathing, acting as a vasodilator
• Loosened respiratory secretions, similar to an expectorant
• Improved brain function by restoring glutamate, the brain’s main fuel
• Improved insulin resistance; may stabilize blood sugar by decreasing inflammation in fat cells
• Boosted male fertility
• Do you have hypertension?
• Are you a diabetic?
• Do you have insulin resistance related to polycystic ovarian syndrome?
• Are you post-respiratory illness?
• Are you looking to improve your focus?
• Do you have an autoimmune disease?
NAD is a coenzyme found in every cell in your body. It plays a critical role in regulating numerous biological and physiological functions, primarily metabolism and cellular repair—the root of well-being. As we age, NAD+levels decline. Without proper amounts of NAD+ in our body, our cells aren’t able to generate energy, will not function properly and will eventually die.
Proline is an essential precursor to collagen. It is important for maintaining healthy joints and tendons. This nutrient pairs well with Lysine.
Taurine is an amino acid found in large amounts in the brain, retina, heart and platelets. This nutrient is important in the myelination of nerve cells which allows information to move faster.
Trace elements include zinc, copper, selenium and manganese.
• Do you want to boost your immune system?
• Are you anemic?
• Do you have male infertility issues?
• Do you have hypothyroidism?
• Do you have osteoporosis?
• Are you looking to improve your overall health?
This blend of nutrients works together to help build your resilience and recharge your body’s natural defenses.
Vitamin C
• Boosted immune system by preventing and treating symptoms of the common cold and other infections including viral illnesses
• Improved immune function, this nutrient plays a vital role in optimizing the immune system
• Optimized performance as the master detoxifier and facilitator for recycling vitamins C and E
Vitamin C is an antihistamine that reduces oxidative stress. Ask a nurse about the benefits of high-dose vitamin C for a stronger effect.
• Increased absorption of iron
• Regulates CRP (C-Reactive Protein)—the known cause of cellular inflammation
• Stimulates glucocorticoid activity (stimulates the immune system to fight inflammation)
• Collagen production
• Antihistamine and antioxidant properties
• Immune function support
• Antioxidant action: Lessens triggers of inflammation by getting rid of free radicals that damage cells
• Do you want to boost your immune system?
• Are you interested in skin health; lightening and tightening your skin?
• Do you experience joint pain?
• Do you have an autoimmune disease?
• Do you have anemia?
• Do you have Lyme disease?
• Do you have eczema?
• Do you have seasonal allergies?
Vitamin D3 is critical for building and keeping strong bones. It works by helping the body to use more of the calcium found in foods or supplements.
• Balanced calcium and phosphate, required for normal bone growth and mineralization
• Reduced risk of COVID-19
• Balanced hormones
• Decreased risk of autoimmune disease
• Mood regulation
• Boosted immune system
• Are you vitamin D deficient?
• Are you looking for an immunity boost?
• Are you looking to improve your overall wellness?
• Do you suffer from winter seasonal depression?
This mineral may help boost your immune system and metabolic function.
• Improved immune function
• Improved hydration mechanism of IV fluids
• Boosted testosterone
• Have you felt sick recently?
• Do you experience depression?
• Do you experience warts?
• Do you suffer from seasonal allergies?
• Are you looking for an immune boost?
Toradol is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that may help relieve mild to persistent discomfort, headaches and migraines.
Zofran is a medication used to block serotonin which may decrease nausea and vomiting. Works well for clients after cancer chemotherapy, radiation treatment or surgery.
Cell Science Systems is a leading clinical laboratory specializing in personalized disease prevention and management solutions. Their tests assess a spectrum of risk factors and biomarkers for optimum wellness.
A registered nutritionist will provide a complimentary 30-minute consultation for each assessment. They will review your results with you so you’re equipped to make informed nutritional choices that may yield significant results.
Clients should expect the result of their test within 10 business days. A Restore nurse will reach out to you when the results are complete.
Ask a Restore nurse or Wellness Rep about pricing today and discounts for Restore Members.
Biomarker Assessments give us the knowledge to develop a personalized wellness plan for each client.
Micronutrients are essential molecules involved in thousands of biological processes in the body like energy production, immunity, brain health, cardiovascular health, endurance and metabolism.
This test evaluates your blood to uncover insufficiencies of vitamins, minerals, aminos and fatty acids. Our assessment measures the function of 52 nutritional components.
A personalized report of your results will detail sufficiencies and insufficiencies, as well as foods that are considered good sources of nutrients.
After we receive your results, we’ll help replenish your cells! You can customize your IV Drip and IM Therapy based upon your body’s micronutrient insufficiencies.
This test evaluates your DNA for mutations that may indicate an over or under compensation in essential bodily functions. It tests critical genes in the methylation pathway. The methylation pathway is the major part of detoxification and the metabolic cycle.
A personalized report of your results will detail any genomic mutations and provide food and supplementation recommendations that may benefit your cells to regulate properly.
These Biomarker Assessments are sold separately. However, some clients may benefit from both assessments. In these cases, we recommend purchasing both as a Biomarker Bundle.